Macros In Excel - Automated Productivity and Time Savings 59 Lukens Dr, New Castle, Delaware 19720, USA, New Castle

Excel macros can automate and streamline tasks, eliminate repetition, and can potentially save you and your team thousands of hours year after year.

A macro is a term for a series of commands and functions that you store in a Microsoft Visual Basic module and can be run via your keyboard, ribbon, or custom buttons whenever you need to perform the task(s) associated with those commands.

Harness this valuable feature in Excel to boost your efficiency, output, and job satisfaction.

Working with macros is not intuitive and requires a clear explanation and demonstration of key principles to ensure your practical understanding.

This presentation will effectively help you understand and apply this powerful tool.

NOTE: To maximize knowledge retention, this webinar includes a professional step-by-step Learner Guide, exercise files, demonstrations, and practice exercises.

Why Should You Attend

To gain a practical “hands-on” understanding of how to efficiently create, manage and run Macros in Excel.

» Work smarter, faster and more effectively
» Boost profit, efficiency, and productivity
» Strengthen your resume and higher pay options
» Achieve more in less time with higher quality results.
» Improve job satisfaction, team performance, and professionalism
» Gain a strong competitive advantage at peer and business level

Areas Covered in the Session

» Understand Excel macro essentials
» Set macro security
» Save a file as macro enabled
» Record a simple macro
» Run a macro
» Apply relative and absolute cell references
» View and edit macro code
» Assign a macro to the ribbon
» Assign a keyboard short cut to a macro
» Delete a macro
» Copy a macro

Who Will Benefit

Staff, managers, and executives who are required to confidently manage data and present business-critical information in a wide variety of private and public sector professions including:

» Accounting
» Business Analysis
» Bookkeeping
» Banking
» Economics
» Statistics
» Financial Planning
» Investment advice
» Strategic planning
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Tel: (989)341-8773

14 Aug - 22 Aug 2023, 1:00 pm - 10:00 am

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